Toriko Fan Fiction Wiki
"Th-th-th-th-this is just sloppy craftsmanship..."

Flying Squirrel Hyena is a property of Solipsius, and cannot be mentioned, used or edited without his permission, except the collaboration articles.
It's not like I won't give you the permission if you ask nicely...

Flying Squirrel Hyena
Flying Squirrel Hyena



Musasabi Haiena


Flying Squirrel Hyena


Mammal Beast

Capture Level









Ashen Blaze Island

Flying Squirrel Hyena (むささびハイエナ Musasabi Haiena) is a species of carcass-devouring beast living on Ashen Blaze Island's Twisthill Volcano, descending to the Grave Orchard to feed upon the beast that come there to die.


Flying Squirrel Hyena resembles a canine beast with elongated limbs, with skin stretching between its limbs, making it resemble a flying squirrel or a bat. Its skin is covered in slick, hardened fur.
In order to move freely in the Grave Orchard's desert, it also has membranes between claws.


As described in the notes of the Silver Mane, they can be often found making small, cave-like dens in the rock of Twisthill Volcano, where they rest and gather food. They seem to form packs to safely feed on the dangerous beasts that roam and gather around the volcano, and are very territorial, even between two different packs.

Powers and Abilities[]

Thanks to their anatomy, they are capable of gliding over great distances, as well as maneuvering and adjusting their speed at will. At ground, they are capable of moving at very high speeds, ambushing their preys in groups. Using their powerful claws and jaws filled with several rows of fangs, they can easily tear apart and devour any kind of flesh that finds its way into the Grave Orchard.

They also possess incredibly potent gastric acids, as they sometimes devour even the skeleton and shells of their prey. However, some beasts prove to have bones too strong even for teeth and stomachs of these scavengers.

As Food[]

Flying Squirrel Hyena's meat is described as tough and firm, yet succulent and juicy. It is almost fat-free, yet has incredible protein content. According to Nua, it would make very good jerky, but the best approach to cook it is breading it without using flour, with the best egg compatibility being most likely the Maran Squid egg.
