Toriko Fan Fiction Wiki

Solipsius Solipsius 7 June 2018

This is goodbye.

Hey there.. Sol here. I've been here for a while, and.. Even though I really don't know anything about you guys, I've always taken you for great friends. I'm not really good at this emotional stuff, so I'll cut right to the core.

I've never been that good at socializing and I'm quite self-conscious about bothering other people with my problems, so I never really talked about them. The real problems. This is the only note I'll be leaving behind, and I don't know how many people will read it or find it, but.. I just want to write myself out of this. I'm not telling my friends, my parents, my closest ones, none of them. I'm writing this here, because my love for food and the ideology of Toriko, of its fantasy, of a world of infinite, fantastic…

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Solipsius Solipsius 1 June 2018

More images!

Hii theeere!

I just wanna let anyone reading this know that I have never stopped working on Toriko, I'm simply gathering notes and illustrations to post them here once in a while in large quantities. Health problems kinda hinder me, but that's not an excuse, eh?

Anyways, the main point of this is to tell you that I'll now be focusing on developing my crew, the Silver Mane, yeey! The entire Ashen Blaze Island will be kinda great tool for developing them, then I'll move them to the Gourmet World, that's gonna be more fun, more opportunity to finally make pages on all the promised ingredients on my user profile and just all over my other articles. Most of the crew is already completed, I just need some time to give them illustrations and descri…

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Solipsius Solipsius 6 February 2018

Finally found it!

Hey there.
Thanks for reading this.

If you've seen any of my pages, you might notice that I make my own illustrations. I've been drawing since I was a kid, looking for the perfect style for me. I've been through many, really. Animals, dragons, monsters, dragons again, heroes, action, comics, manga, furrys... Lately, I've really been working on the best way I could draw food. I would love to learn on graphic devices, using tablet and stuff. Sadly, I can't quite afford that and I also kinda have a problem with shaky hands due to the state of my health.
My work on this wiki has been going through several stages, first using fine liner and markers, then I tried digital software, then I switched to coloring with woodless colored pencils. Then, I…

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Solipsius Solipsius 8 October 2017

Jōki Irukaja

Hidden in the mist and clouds, as all the springs of the world are but pots to boil in to them, the (in)famous "Monarch of Steam", the founder and the only chef of the Hot Spring Steaming Cuisine, Jōki Irukaja and their Full Course Menu!

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Solipsius Solipsius 19 September 2017

My Future Work

Hi there! Sol here.

Lately, it doesn't seem there is a lot of activity on this wiki. And well, I think people just don't have time because of personal stuff.

So I just wanted to say, that I have all the material and inspiration to remain active for a looooong time and keep contributing to this wikia. Besides all the pages I hinted to on my profile page and some locations I created, I also sketch a lot and I have a lot of images saved on my computer.

By now, since my phone has very crappy camera (as you can see from the resolution of that picture), and my camera can't focus on a small distance like a paper, I use scanner to which I have limited access. But everytime I manage to scan new papers, you can expect some new pages or updating of imag…

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