Toriko Fan Fiction Wiki

Her art and her drinks speak for her, she is the galactic voyager famous under the name "Sleepy Wolf" Nemuro Mura, grand chef of Millenia Coctail Cuisine, Gensha Mura and her Full Course Menu!

Solipsius/Gensha Mura's Full Course Menu
Course Course Ingredient Capture Level Status
Hors d'Oeuvre Hors Tectonic Fizz Jelly 8,320 Decided
Soup Soup Magnetar Gator Crystal Clear Stew 412,000 Decided
Fish Dish Fish Dish Oort Beluga Lotus Sashimi 594,000 Decided
Meat Dish MeatDish Jeweltail Virgo Parrot Raw Sashimi 60,000 Decided
Main Course MainDish ELSE 7900 Decided
Salad Salad Corona Raspberry 80,500 Decided
Dessert Dessert Juicy Solomon Apple Cherries 410 Decided
Drink Drink Cosmic Cavern Gourmet Waterfall 51,000 Decided